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DiGi is an app that pauses young peoples screen time, to allow them to focus on their daily activities. DIGI creates an environment that incentivises children to spend more time away from their mobile phone.
When a task starts, it pauses the user's phone, pausing the applications on the device. This covers all downloaded apps on the device, such as; social media platforms, games, web browsers and streaming sites. As soon as the task has been approved, the child will immediately have the possibility to use his phone as he pleases.
DiGi is our philosophy. If you do it, then you get it. DiGi, Do it Get it. We want the app to be as clear and simple as possible so that children of all ages can understand, enjoy and benefit.
It is only fair that if your child has completed a task that they can use their phone, DiGi supports and encourages this positive interaction.
DiGi will reduce the amount of time that children spend on their phone when they should be concentrating on specific tasks. It will remove a major distraction when they should be focused on important activities in their daily routine.
DiGi provides a platform for parents and children to build healthy digital habits. As a child’s phone is paused, they will benefit from the peace of mind that no messages or notifications will disturb them so that they can give 100% of their attention to what they are doing.
The strains and pressures that can happen between parents and children because mobile phones will be reduced, creating a harmonious atmosphere within the family unit.
At DiGi we want to support young people to help them understand there are times when they cannot use their phone. It's not evil, It's not bad, the point is that it should not always be available.
There are many important moments in life that do not require a phone, DiGi triggers the user to understand what these moments are and how to act when they happen. What may seem like impossible will soon become a blessing for all members of the whole family.
You can set your child any task. The most common ones are listed below:
Children will know that there is no point to constantly be on their phone as it will be on pause. They will not be able to play games, be on social media and send or receive messages. This will allow them to focus on the task at hand without any distraction.
This behaviour which may seem unnatural to children, will become a habit and improve their digital habits and wellness.
Our desire was to build an app that allowed children to live the present moment with real people. To understand that time can be rewarding and captivating when one is fully focused and immersed.
The app allows parents to set boundaries for their children which becomes beneficial to their education. It is not easy to manage and oversee children at all times, DiGI gives parents the peace of mind that they are not on their phone whilst doing their daily activities.
As well as setting limits, the app is also a way to bring a rewarding and a fun element to tasks. The family can reward and congratulate each other for what they have achieved. Setting targets for your children will encourage them to participate as well as a target to reach.
This will depend on the type of task that you set. The aim is to ensure that tasks are completed correctly whilst focused. If a child does what he has been requested properly then he can benefit from having access to his phone again. We leave the details to be set by yourself but we are always available for guidance.
In the task description, you can define how long you believe a task should last, setting a target and expectations for your children.
We want DiGi to be an app that creates dialog and collaboration between parents and children. You can sit together as a family, on a Sunday evening and set the tasks for the week. You can set goals and achievements that will set a target for your children, that they can aim for during the week. If they are short of a few rewards, he may proactively keep his phone off and keep himself entertained or spending more time with you.
DiGi is designed to help young people understand that the phone does not always have to be in their hand or within arms reach. We want children to focus on what they have been asked to complete.
By pausing your children’s phone, they can focus on what they should be doing. This gives you the peace of mind that they are concentrating and not trying to sneakily use their phone as soon as you leave the room.
Add an answer to this item.This function has been designed to allow two or more children to complete a task together. This can be playing in the garden together or completing a house chore. This encourages children to work together to reach for a common goal by collaborating and motivating each other.
When you select multiple children, a prompt will appear so that you can choose if a task should be grouped or if they perform it individually. The task does not change but how they complete it will be individual to each.
We have 3 different approval methods
1- Phone call; this is when a child can call you to confirm that a task is completed. At the end of the call, you can either approve or reject the task. This depends on the outcome of the conversation and is your decision.
2 - Photo or video; depending on what you requested, you will receive a photo or video when the task has been completed. This will allow you to judge if the task has been completed correctly and therefore approve or reject.
3 - GPS; when a task is related to moving, such as walking the dog or doing some exercise. The app will automatically track your child. When they send the task for approval, you will be able to see the journey that has been completed. If it’s what you requested, then you can approve the task.
Your children may have a different opinion on how to complete a task and we want to give the opportunity to feedback accordingly. If you feel that your child needs to do more to complete the task you requested, you can click reject, in the task approval menu. You will then be prompted to describe the reason for rejecting the task. This message will appear on your childs phone so that they can complete the task as you wish.
By using this function properly, you will ensure that you do not put off your child and create any potential issue. DiGi is about collaboration and communication, so being clear and transparent is important to build confidence between each other.
Once your children believe they have made the requested changes, they will return back to the task and follow the normal approval request process.
Creating a task will pause your child's screen time whilst they complete the task that you have created. A task should be set when you have the desire for your child to be 100% focused on a specific subject, requirement or task
Before a task has started - Click on the task and at the bottom of the page you have the delete button. If this task repeats you will be prompted to confirm if you wish for this task only to be cancelled or all of them from that day.
Whilst a task is active - At any moment you can go into an active task and click the stop button. This will return your child's phone instantly to its normal state. Any rewards and time that had been gained till that time will be recorded and appear in the reports section.
This is a really clever feature in the app. We know that sometimes you want your children to work together to complete a task.
Grouped task: this is a task that will be performed together. Any of the children can request approval. Any approval or rejection will be actioned across all devices. Children will have the same outcome on their phones.
Task set for multiple children: Let's take homework as an example, you know that one will have less work than the other. This functionality allows you to set the same start time whilst giving you the flexibility to approve each one at different times. Each child will have to request a separate approval and your action (approve / reject) will only impact the child who made the request.